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Arun Narayanaswamy

Arun Narayanaswamy

Senior Director of Engineering, Amadeus Labs


Arun is a DevOps evangelist, currently in the role of Senior Director Engineering at Amadeus Labs, helping the company transform development processes and bringing in cultural changes for Agile, OpenSource and DevOps adoption. Arun began his career with Infosys in a Banking product group, before taking on engineering and project management roles at retail giants, WalMart and Tesco. Armed with 14 years of experience, he is as comfortable talking technology with a developer, as he is in managing stakeholder & leadership expectations at large enterprises. His expertise spans across multiple functions of software development in the retail and banking domains. He hails from Bangalore where he has lived and worked most so far. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree from the Visvesvaraya Technological University, and an Alumni of INSEAD school of Business – France. Arun’s interests span traveling, photography, and cooking. When he is not managing mission critical IT projects, he undertakes photography assignments.

Rise of DevXOps
With the maturity of DevOps, and tasting of success, there wouldnt be two thoughts within the organization to extend this beyond the two groups of Dev and Ops. Though there are many terms like DevSecOps, NoOps, AiOps etc, this talk tries to cover the potential aspects of extending DevOps beyond where it stands today. Its a conceptual topic, and the talk would open up for a brainstorm around this topic.